The Asking Formula consistently produces better sales, leadership, and executive teams by teaching them to more effectively and successfully ask for what they want. John’s clients have enthusiastically asked for more resources that reinforce learning, keep it fresh, and make it “sticky.”

Introducing: ASK U – a breakthrough solution that presents The Asking Formula as a mobile and practicable learning application. This companion program to the keynote speech or workshop reinforces learning and personal growth… extending it beyond one-time, event-based training.

Contact us to discover if ASK U is an effective fit with your keynote or workshop program. We can help coordinate a launch event that makes an impact on your audience.

appGoogle Play


Technology and cloud-based connectivity have revolutionized learning and training, especially for companies with a geographic diverse workforce or groups who are required to travel.

We’ve partnered with an expert in online learning and mobile technology to create ASK U for the iPad, iPhone, and Android devices. ASK U creates an Asking Formula “community” for your people to interact and collaborate online. ASK U users learn ongoing lessons from John Baker, practice and share their asking behaviors, receive helpful motivation from their peers, and earn achievements from their manager.

  • Reinforces Learning And Keep It Fresh
  • Utilizes Role Playing To Effect Behaviour Change
  • Simple, Straightforward – Minutes Per Week
  • Leverages Managers’ Time & Can Be Used Anywhere
  • Can Be Customized To Fit Your Specific Needs

What it DOES

ASK U simply and effectively puts “The Asking Formula” methodology into your hands utilizing four principles:

REINFORCE l Users have instant access to video that focuses on messages learned in John’s workshop as well as a series of scheduled email and video lessons/updates.

June 8, 2016

REPEAT l Using video capture within an iPad, iPhone or Android device, it’s simple for a user to practice their best “asking behavior,” self-appraisee it, re-record it, and share it with his feedback circle.

June 8, 2016

REVIEW l Once a user has perfected his asking behavior, he sends a final recording to his Manager, who provides immediate feedback and measures the user’s progress and performance.

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REWARD l A Manager scores and rewards his teams’ submission; runs contests; distributes awards, recognition, and “BFAs” (Big Fat Asks); shares “leaderboards” and more to create a competitive, gaming atmosphere. Reporting is real-time and actionable to motivate users’ performance.

June 8, 2016

How it WORKS

Sample this innovative way of learning through effective content, video interaction, and cloud-based technology – cycle through the ASK U experience:


Mel attends The Asking Formula workshop. The following day, he receives a follow-up email with information about registering for and downloading ASK U from iTunes. Mel watches a short video lesson from John Baker and the first exercise of the series to continue developing his asking skills.

June 8, 2016

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