
An Excerpt from “The Asking Formula”

I thought about the number of dead-end sales calls I participated in where nothing was settled and nothing was gained.

I thought of the endless meetings I attended in airless rooms with rock-hard seats that concluded with me asking myself, ‘what is it these people want me to do?’

I thought about the number of phone calls, text messages, emails, and voice mails I received each and every day. My typical reaction: So what? What does this have to do with me? Why is this my problem?

Based simply on a normal day’s sampling, I had to conclude that I was surrounded by people who did not know what they wanted. There had to be a better way.

The Asking Formula is a 6-step, simple, and repeatable process that accomplishes 1 thing: it teaches you how to more effectively ask for what you want. Every single time. No matter the subject, tone, or audience.

What The Asking Formula Teaches You

  • How to immediately implement the 6-steps of the most effective, straightforward and high-impact process for structuring a best-in-class “ask” regardless of audience, topic or situation – and apply it both in your professional and personal life.
  • How to avoid 3 common asking behaviors that are sabotaging your effectiveness and act as barriers to your success.
  • Numerous techniques to help you know how to begin your ask, how to end it, and when it is reasonable for you to ask for what you want (and when it’s not).
  • To recognize and avoid the 4-step “bad asking” process that leads to procrastination, delay, confusion, and significantly reduces the chances of getting what you want.
  • Techniques to immediately gain your audience’s attention and discover the secret to getting them motivated to give you the outcomes you desire.
  • How to build trust with your stakeholders and the ability to overcome resistance and shrug off rejection.
  • 4 ways to add pop to your presentations and make your message – whether it be a PowerPoint, email, text or voicemail – stand out from the crowd.
  • Know

    Step-1 >>


    Developing objectives and aligning on measurable results for each and every “ask”.

  • Ask

    Step-2 >>


    A specific, time-tested, and best-practice way of stating your desired outcome in the most persuasive manner possible.

  • Show

    Step-3 >>


    Using indirect influence to aid in comprehension, retention, and differentiation that increases chances of success.

  • Develop

    Step-4 >>


    Step by step process for discovering your audience’s perspective and developing the magic language that gets them to say “yes”.

  • Stop

    Step-5 >>


    Knowing how and when to conclude your ask, stop talking, and drive for productive action.

  • Share

    Step-6 >>


    Anticipating and providing just the right amount of detail – at just the right time – to move your audience into decision mode.

Speaking and Programs

John teaches The Asking Formula through speaking engagements, interactive workshops, communications, strategic partnerships, and more. Whatever the culture or size of your business, association, or organization… your circle can learn, practice, and become better at asking.