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2 Strategies to Turn a “No” to a “Yes”

In researching my 1st book, one of the topics was about change. Most people would say they “love change”. (And we’re not talking about coins.)

Not true.

What they hate is BEING changed.

Once your audience loses the sense that they are not in control, they stop changing. They stop saying “yes” and start to say “no.”

Here are 2 strategies you can employ in these circumstances of managing change; both are inherent to the 4th step of The Asking Formula – develop “Best Reasons”.

I’ve got examples to share with each strategy, as personal proof… watch.

What Sales Professionals Can Learn From the Marines

The military is very much a top-down, command-and-control environment. It is essential that orders are communicated clearly and with alacrity.

As you can imagine, this style of “battlefield” communication doesn’t always work back at home, which is how I teach vets how to use influence and persuasion – how to “ask” in other words – to get things done when the command and control style isn’t a good fit.

Despite their training – or maybe because of it – our military members make for some of the best ASKERS you can imagine.

Why? They have skills that translate into leadership and sales practices.

WATCH to see what I mean.

Supercharge Your Influence

Vol. 4, Issue 2

The power of The Asking Formula lies in its simplicity – as an ongoing practitioner, you’re aware of this quality.

However, an equal aspect of its value is this: The Asking Formula forces you to be present and not (what Ben Zimmer calls) in an “absent presence”.

What do I mean by this state of mind? WATCH… and keep your awareness skills sharp for your audience.