Tag Archives: Best Reasons

What You Think Prospects Want (4 Common Misconceptions)

You’ve done your homework and research. Your ego is primed and ready. But do you really know what your prospect wants… and how to communicate it?

Here’s a guess: you think you do – but you may have leapt too quickly.

Take a few moments out of your day to:

  1. Hear 4 commonly made misconceptions my readers have shared during their business processes and communication, and
  2. Learn to hone in on these key trappings so you don’t fall into the same situation.

Watch “What You Think Prospects Want” (aka “4 Assumptions That Lead to a NO).

What’s Wrong About Questions?

When you’re in a business or personal situation, with an end-goal in mind to ASK FOR WHAT YOU WANT, you may find yourself with a well-prepared and best possible list of questions… that you never get to ask.

In this first of two segments, I’ve got some reminders to share that will help you get past “leading questions” or “confirmation bias” and get to something meaningful.

THE ASKING FORMULA is about how to ask for what you WANT and not about what question you ASK.